Monday, July 18, 2011

3.4 Million to Spend - Let's Do it Right!

3.4 Million to Spend - Let's Do it Right!

 3.4 Million Dollars in Improvements Proposed to 4S Ranch Community Park!

In a recent CSA 83A Board Meeting it was approved for the County of San Diego to start initial planning discussions on how to improve the north side of 4S Ranch Community Park.  The total available funds is about 3.4 million dollars.  This money is from funds that have been set aside to pay for park improvements.  It is a great feeling to already have the majority of the needed money available, we just want to make sure the final product keeps this park as the, "Crown Jewel" of 4S Ranch!

On a recent afternoon, we saw the park being used by so many local residents.  If you have not been down to the park be sure to take a look!  Kids were playing soccer, baseball, riding their bikes, playing catch and even some were  playing Lacrosse.  What a great park.  If you want to be added to an interest list we are forming concerning these public workshops be sure to send us an email.  We will confirm you are on the list and help facilitate community involvement in this planning process.

It's our park.  Let's do it right!

Any questions, don't hesitate to call.
