Saturday, July 16, 2011

Motivational Drill Instructors in 4S Ranch

MDI 8  
Motivational Drill Instruction 8 (MDI 8) is an Outdoor Fitness Program that was developed by a team of veterans that have over 40 years of military experience. MDI 8 saw the demand across America to create a program that was based around military style fitness to achieve the results so many people are not getting otherwise. In April 2011, MDI 8 launched their program here in the local 4S Ranch Community and after 4 short months, the camp has over 20 members and has seen some amazing results. That has recently led to the demand from 3 training sessions per week in the evenings to 6 training days per week starting Aug 1st.

So, Who Can Do It?
The program is all based on Functional Fitness. Basically, members compete against their own body weight allowing anyone to do the program regardless of their current fitness level. MDI 8's military experienced instructors will help each member get the results that are often only achieved in a group setting, through personal leadership and motivation. Currently, MDI 8 has members from the age of 12 - 58 here at the 4S Ranch location....... So, if you or anyone you know is looking for a program were you can get fit, have fun and meet new people, MDI 8 might just be for you/them. To learn more about the program, join MDI 8 at

Training Schedule:
Mornings: Tue / Thur 0530am-0630am and Sat 0900am-1000am (Weekly effective Aug 1st)
Evenings: Mon / Wed / Fri 5:30pm - 6:30pm (Weekly)

4S Ranch Sports Park and Rec Center
16118 4S Ranch Parkway
San Diego, Ca 92127
Future Locations:
1. Fall 2011, MDI 8 has an instructor that will be launching an MDI 8 location in Menifee, Ca.
2. Fall 2011, MDI 8 has an active duty instructor that will be launching the program in Afghanistan training military members.

On behalf of MDI 8, we are happy to be part of the local community here in 4S Ranch and we will see you on the Physical Training Field (PT Field).... Ohhrah!