Monday, January 23, 2012

Current Crime Report January 23, 2012

The map above shows recent crime that occurred over the last week.
All data is from the San Diego County Sheriff's Office.
To see crimes in other areas visit Crime Reports

Monday, January 9, 2012

Karl Strauss Brewery Restaurant - Set to Open in 4S Ranch!

Karl Strauss Brewery Restaurant - Set to Open in 4S Ranch! 
Future Strauss Brewery

I rarely write about real estate in our lead story. There are honestly more important things in life. Then this week, I heard from our 92127  Mole about some confidential information regarding some significant commercial real estate news occurring right here in river city.  Truly big news!  The mole has never been wrong, but I wanted to make sure the news was accurate before I ran it.
See, the 92127 Mole has been, "out of pocket" for a few weeks, (police talk for an informant you have not had contact with).  Now I know why.  When rumors started circulating a couple months ago, about Karl Strauss Brewery opening a new restaurant at the old Chili's Restaurant location in 4S Ranch, the mole suggested he go undercover to do some investigation.  I reluctantly approved it.  UC work can be dangerous.

Then his expenses started coming in and he stopped taking my calls. Other moles said something about him and a female mole and brand new green, Vespa scooter. That's all I had.  It was pretty cryptic. He did relay through his handler that he was in, "Deep Cover".  Some Qualcomm employees reported seeing him at building "K" by their headquarters.  See surveillance photograph below...

Mole with Karl Strauss
A few of the facts he was able to confirm was that construction of the brewery restaurant with an outdoor patio area should start soon, with hopes of the restaurant
opening in April or May.

How great will that be having a Karl Strauss Brewery Restaurant right here in 4S Commons at the corner of RB Road and 4S Ranch Parkway?  I am really pretty excited.  I asked a close friend if it was a problem or a bad sign that I start getting thirsty when I think about a Karl Strauss Brewery so close to home. He replied. "No, that's healthy beer.  It is made right there".  As I said, he is a good friend. 

I personally think both Capri Blu and Miguel's could use a little competition.  It would be nice for example to watch some sports and get a great beer occasionally after say, 9 PM! Now, If we could just get another gas station to compete with Chevron maybe they would lower their prices by a couple cents or actually give something back to the community.  That would be nice.

Strauss will be re-designing their entrance with an outdoor patio area. Great client party location!
The 92127 Mole never reveal his sources, but we understand the Premier San Diego County Commercial Brokerage, Flocke and Avoyer, led by John Still and David Silverman recently inked the contract. See "This Week in Commercial Real Estate" (below) for their contact information and other commercial leasing opportunities. They are true professionals and you can really trust them! 

I hope the 92127 Mole comes in from the cold soon.  If anyone sees him or the blond on the scooter, please email our editor right away. We have another top priority, "Mission" lined up for the Mole.  We hope to send him to the upcoming Bronco -  Patriots playoff game, to really find out how Tebow keeps pulling off these miracles?  Have a great week!


Ray and Theresa Shay

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Recent 92127 Crime Posted January 7, 2012

The map above shows recent crime that occurred over the last week. All data is from the San Diego County Sheriff's Office. Please click on the image to enlarge.  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

ESCONDIDO: Del Lago Academy breaks ground

Story and Photo Courtesy of Deborah Sullivan Brennan of the North County Times

With bulldozers rolling in the distance, Escondido Union High School District officials on Friday held a ground-breaking ceremony for Del Lago Academy, the magnet biotech high school slated to open in fall 2013.

"San Diego is one of the meccas for biotechnology, not only in California, but in the nation," district Superintendent Ed Nelson told school and construction officials at the event. "We believe our kids should be the workforce of the future."

He congratulated voters of Escondido, who he said "took real risk, and showed great support," by passing Proposition T, the $98 million 2008 bond measure that is funding the new high school, along with improvements to existing campuses.

The school, on 23 to 24 acres of a 34-acre site off West Valley Parkway near Citracado Parkway, will accommodate up to 800 students, in response to parents' request for a smaller high school option, Nelson said.

Two-story structures will house medical and biotech laboratories, classrooms, a lecture hall, fitness room, auditorium and media center designed to create a high school environment similar to a college campus or workplace, said project architect Scott Moreland of Baker Nowicki Design Studio.

Laboratories will contain movable equipment and furniture that can adapt to changing technology, while a lecture hall will provide a platform for teachers, professors and even students to make presentations, he said.

Rooftop solar panels and other design features will make the campus 35 percent more efficient than the building code requires, Moreland said.

He said the efficiency improvements, along with the use of recycled materials, synthetic turf and storm water reduction techniques, will help the school meet standards set by the Collaborative for High Performance Schools, a green building rating program for K-12 schools. The program sets design standards aimed at making schools more environmentally sound and educationally functional.

The campus will follow the hilly topography and include a central area oriented toward the west, Moreland said. Nelson said the placement reinforces the school's health and science focus.

"It's not by happenstance that our campus looks out on the new hospital," he said.

Principal Keith Nuthall said the school aims to solve societal problems of "fueling the world, feeding the world, healing the world and restoring and protecting the ecosystem."

It will employ an integrated curriculum where lessons in science, math, English and other subjects overlap and reinforce one another, he said.

For instance, a student might learn to operate an electrocardiograph, analyze those measurements in a science lesson on heart function, write about the project, and then apply the findings to physical education activities for heart health.

"We're blending challenging academic content with a demanding technical education and field-based work," Nuthall said.

Board member Kurt Marler said the school will aim to attract students and families seeking an alternative to large, traditional high schools.

"We'd like the enrollment to be a draw to all charter schools and all home schools," Marler said.

Nuthall said that while the school won't expect all students to enter college and professional careers in science or medicine, the science literacy it will promote should benefit them in a wide range of occupations.

"My approach is that Del Lago students will read, write, think and behave like scientists, historians, artists and mathematicians," he said.

Read more: Click here to read the article.

Adventure - Hong Kong

Adventure - Hong Kong  
Honk Kong Harbor Lights
I worked with quite a few large crowds during my tenure with SDPD. It included two Super Bowls, the RNC, (Republican National Convention), and countless protests and events. I thought I knew a few things about managing large crowds. That was before last week, when our family visited Hong Kong on Christmas Eve. I then realized, I never really left the sandbox. The crowd size in San Diego was child's play, compared to the sheer number of people in an international hub of commerce where almost eight million people call home.

It was about 8:30 in the evening with the lights of Honk Kong Harbor to our backs as we began walking to the metro which is a series of underground subways. I could write for hours about their mass transit system. It is extremely efficient, user friendly, clean, reasonably priced, and NO graffiti! While in comparison, San Diego can't even seem to get a single trolley line to San Diego International Airport. Mayor Sander's don't let special interests divert the project. In Hong Kong they move millions of people 24/7, through the use of technology, planning, and forward thinking.

As we left the area near Hong Kong Harbor we walked E/B looking for a place to eat dinner. We were exhausted. As we approached the nearby metro station we found it was closed as well as all the surrounding streets. The police had about a million reasons to cordon off this area. Each of them a person.

As we walked further, we saw a trickle of a few thousand people walking towards us to see the fireworks show on the harbor. It very quickly turned into the largest number of people I have ever seen in my life. It reminded me of the famous Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Sorcerer's Apprentice". Like the brooms carrying buckets of water for Mickey Mouse, the number of people would double, then double again, and then yet again. The high speed escalators bringing thousands of excited customers out of the earth was amazing. Every few seconds another train would arrive. Revelers stepping briskly on their way to enjoy their holiday light show. No real pushing or shoving by the crowds, but rather a sense of cooperation. Imagine that.

As we left the bustle of the harbor area we looked for a restaurant near our hotel. Jimmy, (Theresa's dad) was working his usual, "Magic". All the restaurants were booked solid, except for a working class, literal, "hole in the wall" restaurant, that only had four tables. Outside in the cold we were greeted by a lone, pale white, octopus who peered eerily at us as he floated weightlessly in a fish tank facing the street. He had the look of an octopus who already knew his fate.

As luck would have it the table by the kitchen was available. It was a, "Hot Pot" restaurant. If your not familiar with the term, it refers to a large pot of steaming broth in the center of your table.

It was soon accented with piles of fresh seafood, meats, noodles, and vegetables in trays on the table. It is all you can eat. You can cook whatever you want for as long or as you like.

For refreshments, I quickly learned in order to get a beer you had to just yell out, "Tsing Tao" above the roar of the fellow diners who were talking so fast and loud in Cantonese, Chinese that you would think it was New Years Eve. The patron at the table next to us had obviously yelled it a few too many times. He was sound asleep and remained that way the entire evening as his friends continued with their festivities, while keeping an eye out for him.

Our boys were in Chinese food, "Heaven". They filled their bellies with lots of warm quality food as the locals around us continued celebrating.

Despite the occasional smell of a cigarette we had a great time. We were too tired and hungry to care. As you look at the photographs you can see their was a pretty good party going on. It was our first Christmas Eve portrait without any of our, "treasures" (our boys) in the family photograph.

Despite the mayhem occurring around them, each of our sons were so content and tired, they soon fell asleep resting their heads on our laps or on a jacket piled on the chair next to them. Over seven thousand miles from home in a foreign land celebrating Christmas with a few "new" friends. Something about our kids being well fed and feeling the warmth and smiles of strangers in Kowloon, increased the sense of holiday spirit. It made those cramped quarters one of our most memorable holidays ever.

As it got later, I started to yell out once again for another, "Tsing Tao", then for a moment, I had second thoughts. After all, we had a winning hand in a foreign country. It was probably time to leave.

Besides, if by accident, Theresa, Jimmy, and I were to also fall asleep, I don't think the owners would have awakened us. They were such gracious hosts, I really think they would have let us merely sleep into Christmas Day.

Theresa and I hope you had a wonderful 2011 and wish you and your family the best for 2012! Happy New Year!


Ray and Theresa Shay