Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Not a Writer
by Ray Shay

Theresa and I put our three sons to bed several hours ago and here I am still sitting in the dark typing away on my IPAD.  It is only a few brief hours before both sunrise and my deadline. 

I am trying without much luck to write my eWeekly lead story.  It is simply not happening. Some may call it writer's block, but I have never viewed myself as a writer, so I'm not buying it.

I still smile when I think about walking across the shopping center parking lot in 4S Ranch when I stopped and waived for a vehicle to go past me.  The lady braked her car abruptly and stared at me for a moment before yelling out the passenger window in a loud boisterous voice, "I can't run you over.  I love your stories too much."

I still have no idea who that lady was or so many other people who have mentioned things to me about my stories.   I really don't know why people find them so intriguing.  It has honestly been a surprise to me.  

Maybe it is because I admit I'm a work in progress, my hilarious journey I love so much with Theresa and our children, or that I just share thin slices of everyday life that resonates somewhere in the psyche of others? I really don't know.   

I only started writing stories on a whim about five or six years ago.  Then it all got traction as they say and people seem to like reading them.  It has resulted in me developing a sense of responsibility.  A feeling that each week I need to provide something of value. 

In the quiet solitude in this early morning, I can only offer honesty. I just don't have it.  Though I often share slices of my life there is a much bigger pie that is rightfully kept hidden.  The things all of us keep private and choose not share.  And that too is OK. 

I wish each of you a great week and promise next week I will have a story hopefully worth your time.  In the meantime to the nice lady in the car, be patient as I will keep a keen eye out for you in hopes you will hit the break instead of the accelerator if our paths do cross.

Have a great week.

Broker's Corner
by Ray Shay

Ray Shay 
The local housing market is very dynamic and still tilted towards the seller. If you are looking for a new build in the Del Sur Community be sure to take a look at the following video.  It is of the Descanso Development of Brookfield Homes. 
Our team of Home Buyer Consultants provide outstanding representation in the purchase of both new and re-sale homes. Give us a call for a confidential discussion of opportunities to sell your current home and participate in our "move-up" program.
The Descanso location is both unique and amazing.  Take a look

Local Market Update:      
We can provide you with custom weekly reports. You will find easy-to-read graphs with statistics, and valuable information broken down into bite-size pieces about current market trends specifically for our 92127/92129 zip code. Call us at 858.449.7355 or email us today for your custom condo or single family home report.

The Mole Sez - Dangerous Intersection in 4S Ranch

Mole with Karl Strauss
Hey Boss, 
I hears lots of yous guys are worried about the intersection in 4S Ranch at Camino San Bernardo and Deer Ridge Rd. It's near da southwest corner of Del Norte High School where the cross walks are painted yellow across da blacktop.  Don't be fooled.  It looks like a four way intersection with stop signs all around, but it really isn't.  

Seems there has been a few car crashes there and we all know our kids cross on that cross walk. Pretty soon boss there is also going to be kids from Design 39 Campus walking across that street.

It's well, confusing to drivers of all ages because the cross traffic keeps zooming by.  There are only two stop signs and not four.  Boss, I even heard a rumor you were a bit fooled by the traffic trickery.  I was worried, so I put the word out and my uncle Jed who moved to Apple Valley to open a radiator business, sent me the below photograph and said, "Mole this might help with a plan "B" for that intersection." Jed was always a thinker.

I knows the County says "No Way" they will make it a four way stop, (though the knuckleheads  really should). I  have never been a quitter, boss but this ought to be a plan "B" as Jed told me.  That is until plan "A" of making it a four way stop can be implemented. Pretty big word for me boss.  That Bridgepoint Education on line course is helping!

Hey boss, I thinks yous guys should all forward this to the County and tell em what Uncle Jed recommended.  It's a start and it could save a life as they say.

Oh yeah, here is the info for people to call the County and go for plan "B." Americans a great country boss, tell your readers to make de voices heard!

Mole out